New Material Convergent Adsorption Tower

Facility Summary and Treatment System

This is an adsorption tower using non-photocatalysis coated activated charcoal as the dust collector, which the limited adsorption capacity of the former system is improved by the decomposition and elimination effect of non-photocatalysis.

Non-photocatalysis : Different from photocatalysis, this is a catalysis that decomposes and eliminates poisonous gas by reacting to oxygen and moisture in the air without light.

  1. Andrea Filter
    Pre Filter
    First order decomposition
    A Filter for Paint mist (Inside)

    Paint mist adsorption.

    Part of the organic compound decomposed.

  2. Pre Filter
    Pocket Type Filter
    High-efficiency Medium Filter
    Second order decomposition
    Filter Box (Outside)
    The catalysis coated on the filter decomposes the organic gas
  3. The new material dust collector
    Third order decomposition
    Adsorption tower
    The new material dust collector decomposes the organic gas
  4. Atmosphere

VOC treatment principle of new material activated charcoal

Oxygen and moisture in the air collide with the catalysis to make superoxide radical (•O2-) and Hydroxy radical (•OH). And they react to VOC to decompose organic compounds (to convert to CO2 & H2O).

Treatment System Stage 1 (VOC Adsorption) → Stage 2 (VOC Decomposition/Elimination) → Stage 3 (VOC Re-adsorption)

General activated charcoal shall be replaced shortly for its adsorption ability decline due to adsorbed VOC increase, while the new material activated charcoal shows replacement efficiency by its constant decomposition and elimination of adsorbed VOC.

Time Elapsed Stage 1 (First Stage) Stage 2 (Middle Stage) Stage 3 (Final Stage)
General Activated Charcoal
VOC Adsorption VOC Supersaturation VOCs Re-ejection (replace)
New Material Activated Charcoal
VOC Adsorption VOC Decomposition·Elimination VOC Re-adsorption (replace·extension)
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